Without self-service terminals,
the walk to the bank counter is
KEBA has been working intensively on the future of
“account services” for some time now. This includes
all transactions in the self-service area that do not involve
the handling of cash such as printing account
statements or making bank transfers. To help shape
the future, it is important to know the current situation.
“Bank statement printers and multifunctional account
service terminals have been in widespread use for many
years now and can be found in almost all bank branches
in German-speaking countries. These include KEBA’s
KePlus P6 and KePlus K6, which have been sold more
than 6,500 times over the last ten years and continue to
enjoy great popularity,” says David Starzer, product manager
for non-cash systems at KEBA.
Extensive discussions with banks and savings banks, as
well as qualitative customer interviews in branches, have
yielded two important insights into the current use of account
service systems.
According to David Starzer: “On the one hand, classic account
services such as bank statement printing or making
SEPA transfers have seen only a slight decline recently. A
decline of one to five percent per year is evident depending
on the bank.”
Self-service zone with account services
at Sparkasse Kufstein
Customers appreciate
self-service terminals
Hence the current number of transactions remains very
high and is far from negligible. “On the other hand, users
of self-service devices really appreciate this service channel
and do so for good reason. Surveys have shown that
especially these customers often express security concerns
when using online / mobile banking.
Moreover, customers that are not very tech-savy tend to
be more fond of self-service terminals and have a strong
preference for a physical device rather than a virtual one.
This makes it difficult to move all groups of users to the
online / mobile world,” Starzer said. And also: “If there
were no self-service option for these kinds of services,
the general consensus among our interviewees was that
many of them would just go back using the bank counter.”
The status quo of
self-service terminals
Project Traunsee 11