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In the light of recent events
KEBA and Corona –
what has changed?
Since 2016, we have worked as an agile organization and are familiar with the
VUCA world. The sheer amount of VUCA that came with Corona did surprise, but
everything we learned helped us to take the next step in mastering the challenges.
Through the crisis as a KEBA employee
In early 2020, a number of colleagues created the “KEBA
Health Team” and set up an information platform providing
a place for questions and answers. “A bit overreacted,” as
some found.
In March 2020, corona and the first lockdown hit like a
comet: it became critical to enable as many KEBA employees
as possible to work from home and to provide
them with equipment. To leave laboratories and resources
to those who absolutely need them and to divide up
VUCA World:
A world that
changes ever
faster, while
growing ever
more complex
and unpredictable.
teams. Organizing and getting the job done! Personally,
corona was more of a subtle predator: suffering through
video calls, the lack of spontaneous communication, minimal
contact with the outside world, monotony, worry.
Suddenly it burst onto the scene, our KEBA Health Team!
A great many things were organized, and individuals
received personal help. Later, the team prepared workspaces
for the return to the office, took charge of internal
contact tracing, procured masks, and most recently, even
created testing stations for rapid testing at our locations
in Linz. Hats off!