That means that we have actually shifted the physical operation
of the ATM completely to the smartphone screen.
The bank customer does not have to touch any part of the
ATM, including the buttons, PIN pad or even the screen.
They can carry out the entire transaction in the mobile app
while standing in front of the ATM. The ATM screen is used
only to initiate the start of the transaction. For this purpose,
a universal technology based on QR code is used.
In addition, the number of required transaction steps
has been reduced to simplify the transaction process.
At the cooperative banks, the evo cash recycler
was the first to be equipped with this functionality.
Is the entirely contactless operation of ATMs also a
response to the Covid-19 pandemic and the
associated fear of touching surfaces?
Covid-19 has accelerated and, in some cases, changed
many organizational processes around the world. With the
onset of this pandemic we started scrutinizing customer
needs even more. This led us to quickly discard the original
model of using the mobile app only for authentication
and develop full contactless device support instead. The
Smart Karta function has been very well received by cooperative
banks in Poland.
In the banking sector, it is the first and so far the only
solution in Poland that allows you to perform a transaction
without having to touch the ATM.
At the Cooperative Bank in Konin, Poland,
customers can use their smartphone to
operate KEBA’s evo cash recycler in a
contactless manner.
Novum and KEBA work together to develop features
for the evo cash system. What is now needed to make
the best possible use of synergies and create real
customer benefits?
Early integration of the other party is critical to success,
especially where we combine several key IT solutions in
the area of banking automation. By this I mean in particular
our proprietary system for basic banking operations,
“Novum BANK”, as well as electronic banking, mobile
banking and the area of bank automation devices.
The cooperative bank customer has an app on their smartphone
that provides access to their account at any time -
whether from home, on the road or at the evo cash recycler
in the self-service area. In contrast to stand-alone solutions
that work independently of each other, these synergies create
real added value for the customer and gives cooperative
banks the chance to achieve competitive advantages.
We thank you for the interview and look forward to
continuing our innovative collaboration in the future.